The Promised Land

Nestled below the Great Dividing Range

The Never Never just a short stroll from the edge of the property

The Never Never just a short stroll from the edge of the property

Ask three locals why its called the Promised Land, and you'll get three different answers - but its not hard to imagine why the first settlers in this region would have felt like the chosen ones. Pretty soon this impossibly lush region was flowing with milk, if not honey. But this place is more than a collection of vistas and beautiful spots to swim and relax. There's a magic in this valley - whether it's the ever present mountains or the clear waters trickling down them - we'll let you ponder that.



The Hall at Gleniffer

The Church at Gleniffer

"Old Man Dreaming" overlooks the Promised Land

"Old Man Dreaming" overlooks the Promised Land

The Promised Land starts after Gleniffer to the South and comprises the land in-between and surrounding a large loop road. (Take a look at out location page). Driving around this road will take you though forest, past several swimming holes and get you even closer to those impressive mountains.

Rolling pasture and impressive forest (Photo: Ken Spence)

Rolling pasture and impressive forest (Photo: Ken Spence)

The Never Never Creek runs from the plateau through the Promised Land - passing close to Promised Land Retreat. The public reserve just down the road from the property is a great spot to relax on a hot day, the mountain waters and forests cooling the air and the water is impossibly clear and inviting.

Essentially relaxing - that’s the Promised Land

Essentially relaxing - that’s the Promised Land



Just around the corner you'll find another swimming hole at Gleniffer - and easy cycle ride from Promised Land Retreat. Adventurous cyclists should know there are lots of tracks in this region, and experienced trekkers might like to hike up the creek to the impressive falls, that you - no doubt - will have to yourself.

It's a stunning, peaceful, restorative part of the world. What are you waiting for?

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